Teaching a yoga class for the first few times can be incredibly nerve-racking, but it doesn't have to be if you are well organized. Here are a few things to keep in mind that will help get you through!!
Play music that calms you and that you can connect with;
Be flexible and be prepared to fall away from your sequence. Students may request different asanas, or you might find that the sequence you prepared just does not flow;
Get to class early, this gives you an opportunity to set up your music, the room and yourself;
Learn to laugh—everybody makes mistakes!;
Prepare a quote that every student can identify with;
Remember to get off your mat and walk around class;
Don’t stress about technique. You do not have to adjust every student;
Use simple terminology. Words such as ‘flex,’ ‘stretch,’ ‘point,’ ‘reach,’ ‘push,’ ‘lift,’ ‘open,’ ‘feel,’ and ‘lengthen’. This will help the class flow smoothly;
Use your own sequence. You will feel proud of yourself afterward and its easier to remember;
Know your anatomy; and
Remember to breathe!!